
It may have taken a little while for us to get organized to get this productized as a service, but we’re finally there.

Thanks to some key new additions to our technology stack, we can now rapidly prototype and produce leadgen websites in almost any niche.

From law firm leads to social media agency leads, to video marketing agency leads to leads for personal trainers, caterers, IT support services, and almost anything else you can imagine, we can build one page websites that look amazing, load quickly, and are loaded with functionality that can collect and automatically respond and nurture leads til they cross the finish line and are ready to buy.

The question then becomes, what are those leads worth to you?

Let’s use the example of a law firm so you can see how this works in action.

Depending on the seasonality and the other demand factors at play in terms of specificity of legal practice subject matter expertise, law firms are now paying between $7.50 and $150 per CLICK from Facebook and YouTube. That’s not per conversion, that’s per click. If it takes an average of 20 clicks to convert a customer, that’s between $150 and $3000 per client that the average law firm pays to get new business.

Now on a personal injury case or some other case where they’re getting 10-40% of any settlement or judgment, and those usually result in $18-42k in fees per client, using the lowest number of just $18,000 per client, and the highest cost of customer acquisition, that means before practice and court costs, a law firm can earn roughly $15,000 per new client and it usually takes them at least 20 clicks for them to land a new one.

What if they had a leadgen website that dropped not clicks, but legitimate prequalified prospects into their inbox daily? What if they were able to book sit-downs with prospects 15-20x per month or more without having to advertise at all, the leads just found the website, filled out a form with what they needed, and the email went directly to someone to follow up with, while the prospect automatically received a sequence of emails that nurtured them while an appointment was getting booked right then and there?

At just 5 of those 15 sit downs turning into sales, that’s at least $75,000 in new revenue every month prorated based on when settlements and judgments resulted, assuming your law firm won those cases or negotiated successfully. And if we charged you $5,000 a month to make sure that kept happening, you’d be delighted to pay it and save all the time and energy of paying $3000 a lead to YouTube, Google, or Facebook for the privilege.

Likewise if you were an owner of a Mexican restaurant and we built a leadgen website that ONLY SOLD Boxes of Burritos for delivery in 2 packs or 4 packs for a fixed price, and we could generate 50 or more sales a day for you, that’s an extra $150 in profit or more a day, or $4500 a month. If we charged you $650 a month to keep that up, you’d be in 7th Heaven.

LeadGen websites are such powerful tools that businesses all over the place are putting up new ones and capitalizing on the power of condensed avatar sales systems and nurturing models that are already working before they even get started.

Why Reyactive for these solutions?

  • 1) Firstly, we’re only looking to lease LeadGen websites that are already up and running, generating live, active leads, so you know there are qualified leads just waiting for you to engage and close them. That means you’re not investing in a website to see IF it’s going to work, or how long it’s going to take to make it work for YOU. That cuts down risk, time-to-ROI, and cost of customer acquisition.
  • 2) Secondly we only offer websites that are local to you and you get the only leadgen website we operate in that territory on that specific offer or subject matter. that means we’re not selling the same site or the same leads to your competition. (They may have a different specialty that we could build a leadgen site for in your area, but not the specialty we specifically build for you.)
  • 3) We have STACKS of technology that we can build in to customize your outcomes in ways virtually nobody else can, meaning the leads you get can turn into referrals, repeat business, upsells, and more, all with plug and play integrations that drive more and more consistent results for your business.

Watch for our new site launches in the coming weeks to see just how our leadgen sites work and how they’re working to drive results on autopilot.


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