Sales and selling has evolved. It’s not just a handshake deal between industry professionals anymore. Oh sure, that still happens, but the scale, the nature, the scope, and the technology have all evolved, as have the customers and the players.

Hiring salespeople based on the book of business they can bring with them has dramatically changed as well, as each member of your team, from your executive group to your sales and service reps all now have quantifiable personal brands and digital, social, and leverageable audiences, networks, and client contacts that have simplified the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon model down to often as little as three or four degrees of separation from your exact target prospects.

How will you personally, your personal brand, and your corporate brand optimize these selling opportunities?

Selling Better, Selling Smarter (2024) is an all new, all updated edition of the best-selling course teaching executives, teams, leaders, and sales professionals exactly what strategies are on the table for turning their sales from ‘hunt and peck’ to ‘farm and feast.’ You’ll learn how to think about sales differently so you can leverage individual sales to sales for dozens, hundreds, or even millions of consumers and users, whether you’re selling hard products, services, technology, training, or content.

This one day course will go over at least 14 different strategies for building a sales pipeline full of high leverage opportunities that are pre-aligned with your desired outcomes, so you can compete with the very best at selling what you do, whether it’s for your personal or your business brand.