One of the most amazing things you can do in business and in life is to help someone and their business dynamically transform into something stunningly more powerful, effective, and profitable than ever they dreamed it could be. Much like those home transformation shows that transform peoples’ lives by changing the environment in which they live, transforming the business you work in can be every bit as transformational too.
The challenge for businesses like Reyactive is to distinguish between the clients where we can have a transformational impact, and the customers who make transactional purchases as part of their normal business activity. Not every day that you go to buy office products at your local office products retail outlet is going to result in your business adding an extra 50% to your payroll to cover the sudden extra demand you just generated from that trip after all.
As a transformational business, it’s hard sometimes not to help those customers who just want some execution done at the same level as helping those clients who are actively engaging in some truly transformational work with us and over the years we have learned painfully that often when we try to help when it’s not really what the customer wanted, it winds up hurting the relationships on both sides. That’s why we have segmented our work into three categories: work for Clients, work for Customers, and work for Fans/Audiences.
Clients, to us, in our world, are buyers who are ALL IN and whom we work with at a native level specifically to help them transform their businesses dynamically from the business model up. Customers, then, are recurring transactional buyers who we support by delivering outstanding execution and/or products on specific short or immediate term projects. Of course our last category, our Fans/Audiences, are composed of buyers of our consumer-centric product, SaaS, or service offers.
These really are important distinctions in our business, not just random jargon to us, because in our world the way we help the people we work with truly has to match what they best want and need from us in order for it to provide the best results for them in achieving their goals, dreams, and desired outcomes.
So now you know how we work with people, the question you need to answer first, is how do you want us to work with YOU?